Seeing Stars: the new metric that could allow the meat and dairy industry to avoid climate action
Addressing methane emissions is essential to limiting the impacts of the climate crisis. However, the animal farming industry is promoting a new metric for measuring methane emissions, that could undermine these efforts.
Dans les mailles du filet. Comment les grandes surfaces françaises font face à l’utilisation de poissons sauvages dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement aquacoles
This report evaluates the performance of the eight biggest food retailers in France when it comes to protecting our oceans and offering their customers sustainably farmed fish and seafood.
Überfischung: Wildfisch als Fischfutter in Aquakulturen – Schweizer Detailhändler im Vergleich
This report outlines how effectively Swiss retailers are safeguarding the health of the oceans and fish welfare through the sustainability of their aquaculture supply chains. Read our German language report:
Futter Bei Die Fische: Ein Bericht zum Umgang von Groß- und Einzelhändlern in Deutschland mit Wildfisch als Fischfutter in ihren Aquakultur-Lieferketten
This report assess how effectively the top seven German supermarkets are addressing the ocean sustainability implications of the farmed seafood they sell. Read our German language report:
Corn Fakes: The social and economic costs of the removal of micronutrients from Kellogg’s cereals
This report reveals the cereal-giant Kellogg’s has continued to remove micronutrients from its cereal in 2019, and goes further to estimate its savings from this practice and the cumulative costs to Mexican society.