Growing the Good
Consumption of animal products such as meat and dairy has increased at an unprecedented pace since 1950s, with people in the Global North now consuming more than twice what is considered healthy. The number of animals grown for food currently stands at 30 billion, four times the number of humans on the planet, which is having significant negative environmental impacts. Animal agriculture is responsible for 16.5% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 32% of all human-caused methane emissions. Moreover, it requires huge amounts of natural resources, including 70-80% of all agricultural land devoted to growing animal feed and pasture, and around half of all water that is used for food production. Nevertheless, livestock production is forecast to grow further, particularly driven by population growth and the expansion of the middle-classes in emerging economies. This campaign is focused on the need to rapidly cut methane emissions from livestock and transition to healthier diets with less and better meat and dairy.